Workshop Venue & Accommodation

Workshop Venue

The workshop will be held at KIT Campus North, in Leopoldshafen, Germany, about 12 km north of Karlsruhe.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Fortbildungszentrum für Technik und Umwelt (FTU)
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

The building is on the left hand side in front of the main entrance of Campus North.

Accommodation Booking

We reserved a number of rooms for the participants at the following, economically priced hotel:


Hotel KüblerAAAA Hotelwelt Kübler   
Bismarckstrasse 37 - 43
76133 Karlsruhe
phone +49 721 144 0
fax +49 721 144 441

Single Room Standard: € 74.00 per night incl. breakfast


The participants are required to book the rooms directly at the hotel by e-mail to info∂ with the keyword ‘Eurofusion CFETR’ until the

11th Febuary 2024.

For information how to reach Hotel Kübler, please see here.


Shuttle Bus

We will arrange a shuttle bus between Hotel Kübler and the workshop venue, KIT Campus North. You may use the shuttle bus even if you are not staying at the hotel. Please indicate it in the registration form.